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Deploy Translations

How to deploy translations.

Written by Jeff McEvoy
Updated over 2 years ago

Deploy translations from Salesforce to Salesforce

Object Translations

Object translations include translated values for object related components including: custom field translations, object name case values translations, validation rule translations, record type translations, etc. You can refer to the Salesforce Metadata API for the full list of what included in Object Translations.

To deploy object translations, include the Custom Object Translation types together with the object related components.

For example, to deploy Japanese translations for Rating__c field and Global_Vertical__c field, select components as below.


If you want to deploy translations for the fields without deploying the fields themselves, you can use component exclusion options.

You can also compare the translated terms between the source and target org before proceeding with the deployment. Simply click on the diff icon on the Custom Object Translation row to view the line-by-line differences.


To deploy Japanese translations for all sub components of the Dynamic_Form__c object, select the Custom Object Translation type and the Custom Object itself. In this case, the line-by-line diff view would show differences for the full translated object.


Picklist Translations

Standard Picklist Translation and Global Picklist Translation are stand-alone component types. To deploy standard/global picklist translations, simply select the component types as below.


Other Translations

The remaining translations are covered in Language Translation component type. These include custom application translation, custom label translation, custom tab translation, flow translation, etc. You can refer to the Salesforce Metadata API for the full list of what included in other Language Translations.

To deploy translations for components in this group, select the Language Translation type and the related components (ie. custom label, application, flow)

For example, to deploy Japanese translation for a custom label, select components as below.


Deploy translations from Git to Salesforce

When you deploy translations from Git, the granularity is at the file level, not at the sub component level. What you see in the translation file as part of your git repository will be included in the deployment verbatim.

For example, to deploy Japanese translations for all sub components related to the Dynamic_Form__c object from Git, select components as below.


To deploy the remaining Japanese translations from Git (excluding object and picklist translations), select components as below.


Commit translations from Salesforce to Git

Commit Object Translations

Object translation commit does not support merge operation. That is, when you commit object translation, the content of the object translation will overwrite the object translation file in Git. Therefore, when committing object translations to git, make sure you select translations for the full object rather than translations for individual sub components, like so.

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