Custom Metadata retrieval error
Salesforce team has applied patches for most of the sandboxes and this issue should now be resolved for the majority of Copado Essentials users. To check if this is fixed for your specific sandboxes, please follow the issue progress here:
Salesforce Winter 20' recently introduced a bug that results in an error while users attempt to list Custom Metadata in Copado Essentials. This bug also impacts another tooling like Visual Studio Code, Salesforce DX CLI, ...
Until the issue is resolved by the Salesforce team, users can work around this by import the metadata selection manually. Please see the workaround section below.
If you setup a CI job to backup metadata to git, please remove the Custom Metadata wildcard for the time being until Salesforce resolves the issue.
The Copado Essentials team is currently reaching out to the Salesforce team in order to get this resolved. We will post updates to this page as soon as more information is available.
Below are references to the issue reported to Salesforce and pending:
While you can't list the custom metadata, you can import the component selection manually via More > Import Component Selections
Enter the component name using the format: CustomMetadata/CustomMetadataType.CustomMetadataRecordName and click Import.
To double check that you've entered the component name correctly, perform a retrieval via More > Retrieve Package and check that the component is included in the downloaded package.
If you setup a CI job to backup metadata to git, please remove the Custom Metadata wildcard for the time being until Salesforce resolves the issue.